Thursday, December 27, 2012

Changing the way I think.

I am determined to change my way of thinking.

So often I tell to myself “ASH, YOU CAN’T HAVE THIS” and when I say that to myself, whether it be in the context of relationships, or food, or material… or whatever, I find that I end up wanting it all the more. So, I have decided - instead of saying to myself “I CAN’T HAVE THIS”, I’m going to start reminding myself that really “I DON’T WANT THIS"!
The truth is: 

I could actively work on building and maintaining some sort of relationship with most everyone I know and meet, but the truth is I don't really want a relationship with everyone I know and meet. I don’t really want to be part of relationships that are toxic, just because I feel like I’m supposed to like everyone or because I don’t think I’ll find better.

I could eat anything I want but I don’t really want to eat food that is going to be less than what my body deserves,I don't really want to eat certain foods for instant gratification, I want to eat to nourish my body and occasionally treat myself to something just for fun.

I could figure out a way to have more material possessions but I don't really want many material things I just have a habit of buying things, just to have the, just to buy them, but the honestly, I don't really want things that only give me a temporary high, or temporary happiness.

So from now on it's no longer “I CAN’T HAVE THIS”, it's“I DON’T WANT THIS"! Instead of being upset and frustrated about all the things I can’t have… I’m going to start changing my thinking. I’m going to decide in my mind and in my heart really I could have so many more thing things… But really I don't want them.

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